Meet David Chen Co-Founder of Kapsule

Q1.What is your project about?
David Chen: We are looking to get affordable and authentic medicines to everyone in the world, starting in Africa where 17% of medicines in circulation are counterfeits. We are using a blockchain system that also runs on SMS to track and deliver medicines securely from their source to the patient's hands.
Q2.Where did the original idea stem from?
David Chen: From a discussion with friends (now Co-Founder) about how many people in Africa consume counterfeit medicines. It is assumed this is due to poverty when it is actually down to the difficulty of governance and oversight, because it affects both the rich and poor.
We thought if you can provide patients with this oversight, changes in customer demand and behaviours would actually help to reduce counterfeiting overall, so we wanted to make a company that would stop counterfeiting being so profitable.

Q3. What challenges have you experienced in your journey so far?
David Chen: Many, recruiting a good team, losing good people, handling and eliminating bad influencers from our team, pitching to investors, building connections/networks abroad... pretty much everything you want to do is a challenge in itself, and everything only gets harder as you go.
My Co-Founder and I have a saying "behind every step is a can of worms"
Q4. What is that you are trying to achieve by the end of the year?
David Chen: Be able to work on this full time, and be in the ground in Africa providing a service to at least 50 people regularly.
Q5. What do you want the legacy of your project to be known for?
David Chen: Making people (particularly black people who have been raised in the West) realise that Africa is not a barren wasteland but the bed of opportunity and none of the challenges that are there are too big to overcome.

Q6. Where can people find you?
Twitter: Kapsule_Life